Thursday, December 23, 2010

Majora Carter, Eco entrepeneurs and Hometown Security

You might have seen Majora's 2006 TED speech about "Greening the Ghetto" and if you saw it, you probably became an instant fan. I watched her talk on local entrepeneurs who are changing our world and thought you might enjoy it. She is a personal hero of mine.

-Reducing recidivism in Chicago
-Reduce water runoff issues in LA by planting trees at schools
-Stopping coal mountain top removal

"We are the key to our own recovery."-Majora Carter

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Our Education System:What works

I have spent these past few weeks talking, reading and conversing about our education system. I'm now more convinced then ever, that we know how to solve our education problems.

We've got broken schools and we aren't preparing children for the world they are encountering when they graduate, that is painfully obvious. That problem needs to be addressed by making education more relevant, more applicable. I believe this happens when teachers are adaptive, inspired and committed to their students. Ask what works, and do that. Whether it is reciting raps to learn timetables or making movies of history lessons, students respond when there is something in it for them.

A lot of children living under or at the poverty line are not prepared to succeed academically. It looks like parenting classes, early childhood education and investment in those children can rectify that problem. The only question is how much will it cost. Geoffrey Canada has developed programs at the Harlem Children's Zone (HCZ) to address this and someone needs to cover this cost.

The model that works at HCZ and KIPP is longer hours of instruction and personalized attention for each student. This means tracking each student, working with them on specific skill areas and devoting resources to their education. It seems to me that there is a consensus among education professionals that we can't dismiss teachers who aren't getting classroom results, that we don't have enough money to devote time to each child, and that different models work better for different communities and populations.

The Cost

If we fail to educate and prepare our children for productive lives where they can contribute to their communities, we lose their potential. If we had the majority of students graduating high school clear about how they are an asset to their community and where they wanted to have an impact in the world, imagine the civic engagement we'd have. We'd have students with plans to resurrect neighborhoods, eradicate social issues and leave a legacy. We lose students for a multitude of reasons and it upsets me that it isn't part of the political discourse. We all benefit when children feel they matter, they can contribute and they are expected to meet high standards of achievement.

If we were committed to developing a generation of leaders to work on our problems and help them realize their potential, we'd be in a much better position. I don't know any answers, I only worked in education for a year, but I know the answers are out there. Maybe we need a collective vision, more experiments in different cities or a federal commitment of money to fund what works.

The kids who don't feel school is relevant, don't have hope for their future. That is someone's responsibility-the parents, the teachers, the community. Something needs to be done.

The main point I am trying to make is that we all lose out if we don't have children who are aware of who they can be. We now have the resources to prepare each child for our world and shame on us if we fail to accomplish that.

Inspiring Ideas/Solutions

Harlem Children's Zone-Has systematic programs to educate parents, a conveyor approach to change the culture of Harlem through charter schools for students from K-12. They also provide after school programs to students who don't attend their schools.
KIPP-A network of charter schools that target underserved children and focus on getting them into college. They are results focused, have long class hours and driven by young enthusiastic school leaders.
Students First-A new organization founded by Michelle Rhee (former DC school chancellor) that aims to transform public education.

Work Hard, Be nice- Inspirational story about The founders of KIPP
Whatever it Takes -A comprehensive look at Geoffrey Canada's schools, the HCZ, and how their programs work. Also mentions a lot of research in the educational field with practical applications.
Waiting for Superman -Movie about the current failings of our education system.