BP, gulf coast, all of it is disconcerting.
However, I look at it this way. It is just feedback from the natural world saying, "Hey, what you are doing isn't working."
I'd love it if we got that message another way, but maybe we aren't open to thinking differently without some event like this.
However, as we see events like this oil spill, violence and other news that makes us think, "Why does the world have to be this way?" We are also going to see amazing things happen in response to them. I know there is beauty in the midst of disaster.
For example, the people donating
hair for the Oil Spill and the people putting those mats out to contain the oil. The people rescuing animals; those people are donating their time and energy to make this situation better. These people aren't in the place to gain anything by doing this, they just want to help. I believe we all want to if given the opportunity.
Ft. Myers Volunteers, Matter of Trust.
Mississippi, Matter of Trust.The world is just changing and giving us feedback. It is important we talk about what's going on, but also give people hope and share stories that make us feel we're in this together.
If you have a story that embodies what is possible in the face of a disaster, especially the oil spill in the Gulf, please let me know.